When will my order be shipped?
If your order is in the Approved status, it means that the seller is already preparing it for shipment.
We give sellers 11–15 days for this. If the package is not sent after the deadline, the order will be automatically cancelled.
In rare cases, external circumstances may lead to a time increase - for example, due to the coronavirus outbreak in China, our sellers were unable to ship out products on time and we had to extend the deadline. It is important to note that such extensions do not affect the overall warranty duration or average delivery times.
If this period has already passed and the order is still in the Approved status, please contact our support team and we’ll figure it out.
How do I contact customer support?
- Go to your profile and select “My orders”.
- Select the order in question.
- If you are using our website, click on the “Customer Support” button on the right, and if you are using the app, tap “I have a question about my order” at the bottom and then tap the message icon on the top right.
- Describe the issue - we'll do our best to sort it out!